TIFFANASTY: why the name 'Shortypop'? is their a special concept behind it?
CHANDLER: The name initially came from Latisha, who I now refer to as the "O.G. Shortypop" I don't deny it being her namesake originally. We had a website collaboration where I operated Shortypop.com as sort of an her own web presence with blog, store, etc… We had differences for reasons that are ultimately between her and I. There was some drama, what have you, but I've since put that behind me. I think she has as well and there's no hard feelings.
TIFFANASTY: a lot of people confuse you with 'shortypop' the sneakerdiva.
end the confusion & let everyone who doesn't know, know who you are:
CHANDLER: The name initially came from Latisha, who I now refer to as the "O.G. Shortypop" I don't deny it being her namesake originally. We had a website collaboration where I operated Shortypop.com as sort of an her own web presence with blog, store, etc… We had differences for reasons that are ultimately between her and I. There was some drama, what have you, but I've since put that behind me. I think she has as well and there's no hard feelings.
TIFFANASTY: a lot of people confuse you with 'shortypop' the sneakerdiva.
end the confusion & let everyone who doesn't know, know who you are:
CHANDLER: Shortypop today, in 2009, probably most simply put is my women's streetwear brand. It's most definitely a parody and commentary on contemporary streetwear. From simple and straight forward use of the Supreme/Barbara Kruger type treatment and various other logotypes. To my approach that pushes the branding of Shortypop image far more than the sale of the physical goods.
TIFFANASTY: how do you go about selecting your models; is there a specific look you prefer?
CHANDLER: Most models for Shortypop are cast via various internet outlets including Craigslist and Model Mayhem among others as well. The initial lookbook and previous materials were sort of lesson casting models via the internet. But a few from the original lookbook are friends of friends. And for the upcoming lookbook No. 2 there's certainly been an interest expressed by some girls via Twitter, Tumblr, and Myspace. Generally speaking I'm pretty open as far as looks. Print modeling in general is a more open to body type than say typical runway modeling. And I feel like giving people a broad varied of slender and thick, short and tall and various ethnicities. I'm covering the bases so everyone has some eye candy and no one feels left out. And perfection is both unrealistic and overrated. But personally I love ethnic women with a few curves and ultimately an ass man, but everyone loves some nice (big or small) boobs.
TIFFANASTY: how do you go about selecting your models; is there a specific look you prefer?
CHANDLER: Most models for Shortypop are cast via various internet outlets including Craigslist and Model Mayhem among others as well. The initial lookbook and previous materials were sort of lesson casting models via the internet. But a few from the original lookbook are friends of friends. And for the upcoming lookbook No. 2 there's certainly been an interest expressed by some girls via Twitter, Tumblr, and Myspace. Generally speaking I'm pretty open as far as looks. Print modeling in general is a more open to body type than say typical runway modeling. And I feel like giving people a broad varied of slender and thick, short and tall and various ethnicities. I'm covering the bases so everyone has some eye candy and no one feels left out. And perfection is both unrealistic and overrated. But personally I love ethnic women with a few curves and ultimately an ass man, but everyone loves some nice (big or small) boobs.
TIFFANASTY: i think it's pretty smart that you shoot nude/semi-nude girls. how do you feel about the response you've been getting from these girls who are willing to model for you?
CHANDLER: Yeah, I feel like since I operate via the internet, it's a reasonably lawless medium [laughs] and gives me the option to explore pushing the limits. I'm definitely inspired by the advertising of American Apparel, Marc Jacobs, etc… I think a lot of those photographers and business/fashion people behind those labels rely on similar ideals of sort of contemporary moral compass guided by a very raw clean aesthetic.
I want other girls to feel as though that could be them on some level and for many of them I'm greatly interested in exploring that idea in actually using portions of my fan base as models. That perhaps might be the greatest lesson I've learned yet; women love looking at other naked women arguably more than men and perhaps for vastly different reasons but the fact remains.
TIFFANASTY: do you think some of them are pushing the envelope a little too far with the nudity? (ie: the cute innocent looking girl with the bangs who surprised us all & showed us her kitty)
CHANDLER: Yeah, I feel like since I operate via the internet, it's a reasonably lawless medium [laughs] and gives me the option to explore pushing the limits. I'm definitely inspired by the advertising of American Apparel, Marc Jacobs, etc… I think a lot of those photographers and business/fashion people behind those labels rely on similar ideals of sort of contemporary moral compass guided by a very raw clean aesthetic.
I want other girls to feel as though that could be them on some level and for many of them I'm greatly interested in exploring that idea in actually using portions of my fan base as models. That perhaps might be the greatest lesson I've learned yet; women love looking at other naked women arguably more than men and perhaps for vastly different reasons but the fact remains.
TIFFANASTY: do you think some of them are pushing the envelope a little too far with the nudity? (ie: the cute innocent looking girl with the bangs who surprised us all & showed us her kitty)
CHANDLER: No, not really… [laughs] I had a conversation about this once with one of my former photography professors, Brian Ulrich during my undergraduate days at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and he said "If advertisers could have hardcore penetration on billboards they would" and while I certainly would agree with that by the same token I don't know that I want to explore that concept literally. I think on some level that would alienate some of my following but I feel like with the initial lookbook I've certainly made a mark… At this point I plan on expanding in both directions creating more sort of lifestyle images that are still quite racy, and exploring the limits of graphic nudity, and perhaps one day, even explicit sex as branded image.
TIFFANASTY: how do you handle the girls who don't necessarily fit into 'Shortypop' criteria but wanna be 'down'?
how many emails do you receive from hopeful's begging for a shot?
TIFFANASTY: how do you handle the girls who don't necessarily fit into 'Shortypop' criteria but wanna be 'down'?
how many emails do you receive from hopeful's begging for a shot?
CHANDLER: I get quite a few emails from both people that want to be featured in the artist book section lookbook, and girls that want to model. That's always difficult, cause as most people that know me personally, know I'm a nice guy and try my best not to hurt anyones feelings. For artists I generally try to get people who are serious about their craft, have established themselves in some degree, and best as I can try to explain that to those that aren't, that when they do that I'd be greatly interested in some sort feature or collaborative. As for models I don't think there's anyone that isn't beautiful to somebody, but there on some-level definitely is an image that has to be maintained. It's a delicate act of gracefully saying no thanks.
TIFFANASTY: what do you hope to accomplish with Shortypop?
CHANDLER: Explore sort of the contemporary notions of the branded image. Friends of mine laughed at me as crazy when I told them I was going to sell t-shirts to women with women wearing them with their boobs out, and I'm sure there are people who still do. I'm certainly interested in how people consume both the image and products of Shortypop and what that says about contemporary morals. And quite simply sell some product, make something that's somehow memorable.
TIFFANASTY: what can we expect to see from Shortypop in the future?
CHANDLER: Right now, we're on schedule for the Shortypop Artist/Lookbook No. 2 to be release in November. Hopefully earlier in the month rather than later, but we all know how that is… More diverse product line, more and better features. Still looking for a couple pieces to my Shortypop puzzle for No. 2, but if you liked No. 1, you'll like No. 2 even more and if for those that didn't maybe I can change their minds this time around.
TIFFANASTY: what do you hope to accomplish with Shortypop?
CHANDLER: Explore sort of the contemporary notions of the branded image. Friends of mine laughed at me as crazy when I told them I was going to sell t-shirts to women with women wearing them with their boobs out, and I'm sure there are people who still do. I'm certainly interested in how people consume both the image and products of Shortypop and what that says about contemporary morals. And quite simply sell some product, make something that's somehow memorable.
TIFFANASTY: what can we expect to see from Shortypop in the future?
CHANDLER: Right now, we're on schedule for the Shortypop Artist/Lookbook No. 2 to be release in November. Hopefully earlier in the month rather than later, but we all know how that is… More diverse product line, more and better features. Still looking for a couple pieces to my Shortypop puzzle for No. 2, but if you liked No. 1, you'll like No. 2 even more and if for those that didn't maybe I can change their minds this time around.
TIFFANASTY: anything you'd like to say to the skeptics out there?
CHANDLER: Not in particular. I welcome honest criticism with open ears and will be the first to agree Shortypop is far from perfect. But it's an ever changing work in progress but I work too much on Shortypop and my other projects for hate.
To find anything Shortypop related you can go to www.Shortypop.com, I think everything is accessible via there or soon will be. And if anyone is interested in being a part of Shortypop be features, modeling opportunities, any sort of collaborative or really whatever or has any questions etc. you can email Shortypop@shortypop.com i try to answer everyone in reasonably timely fashion.
CHANDLER: Not in particular. I welcome honest criticism with open ears and will be the first to agree Shortypop is far from perfect. But it's an ever changing work in progress but I work too much on Shortypop and my other projects for hate.
To find anything Shortypop related you can go to www.Shortypop.com, I think everything is accessible via there or soon will be. And if anyone is interested in being a part of Shortypop be features, modeling opportunities, any sort of collaborative or really whatever or has any questions etc. you can email Shortypop@shortypop.com i try to answer everyone in reasonably timely fashion.
bigups to chandler for taking the time to answer my questions in their entirety. he's definitely a chill, down to earth kinda guy. i myself am supposed to be apart of the Shortypop model lineup, & am glad to say i'm looking forward to it. support this man & buy some shit. peace.
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