Monday, December 28, 2009


Trigga sexes up the cover of Honey Magazine!

Honey Mag got up close & personal with @SongzYuuup, asking him questions about his sexuality, comparisons & of course Robert 'Piss On You' Kelly!

HONEY - Why do women love you?

TREY - I’m a lovable guy. You don’t think so? I’m confident. That exudes. Women like men who are confident. I’m humble and I was raised by women so I know what women like. 

HONEY asked Trey about opening up to his fans
TREY - I do, but I can’t give my whole life to my fans. Then the mystique is gone. If you know everything about someone, why would you continue to pursue that person?….that’s a part of any artistry. There has to be a mystique. In order for women to want me and kids to think I’m the coolest and men to want to be me, there has to be something about me that’s ‘wow.’ If you get rid of the ‘wow’ who cares?

Check out the full interview here.


TIFFANASTY: why the name 'Shortypop'? is their a special concept behind it?

CHANDLER: The name initially came from Latisha, who I now refer to as the "O.G. Shortypop" I don't deny it being her namesake originally. We had a website collaboration where I operated as sort of an her own web presence with blog, store, etc… We had differences for reasons that are ultimately between her and I. There was some drama, what have you, but I've since put that behind me. I think she has as well and there's no hard feelings.

TIFFANASTY: a lot of people confuse you with 'shortypop' the sneakerdiva.
end the confusion & let everyone who doesn't know, know who you are: 
 CHANDLER: Shortypop today, in 2009, probably most simply put is my women's streetwear brand. It's most definitely a parody and commentary on contemporary streetwear. From simple and straight forward use of the Supreme/Barbara Kruger type treatment and various other logotypes. To my approach that pushes the branding of Shortypop image far more than the sale of the physical goods.
TIFFANASTY: how do you go about selecting your models; is there a specific look you prefer?

CHANDLER: Most models for Shortypop are cast via various internet outlets including Craigslist and Model Mayhem among others as well. The initial lookbook and previous materials were sort of lesson casting models via the internet. But a few from the original lookbook are friends of friends. And for the upcoming lookbook No. 2 there's certainly been an interest expressed by some girls via Twitter, Tumblr, and Myspace. Generally speaking I'm pretty open as far as looks. Print modeling in general is a more open to body type than say typical runway modeling. And I feel like giving people a broad varied of slender and thick, short and tall and various ethnicities. I'm covering the bases so everyone has some eye candy and no one feels left out. And perfection is both unrealistic and overrated. But personally I love ethnic women with a few curves and ultimately an ass man, but everyone loves some nice (big or small) boobs.

TIFFANASTY: i think it's pretty smart that you shoot nude/semi-nude girls. how do you feel about the response you've been getting from these girls who are willing to model for you?

CHANDLER: Yeah, I feel like since I operate via the internet, it's a reasonably lawless medium [laughs] and gives me the option to explore pushing the limits. I'm definitely inspired by the advertising of American Apparel, Marc Jacobs, etc… I think a lot of those photographers and business/fashion people behind those labels rely on similar ideals of sort of contemporary moral compass guided by a very raw clean aesthetic.
I want other girls to feel as though that could be them on some level and for many of them I'm greatly interested in exploring that idea in actually using portions of my fan base as models. That perhaps might be the greatest lesson I've learned yet; women love looking at other naked women arguably more than men and perhaps for vastly different reasons but the fact remains.

TIFFANASTY: do you think some of them are pushing the envelope a little too far with the nudity? (ie: the cute innocent looking girl with the bangs who surprised us all & showed us her kitty)

CHANDLER: No, not really… [laughs] I had a conversation about this once with one of my former photography professors, Brian Ulrich during my undergraduate days at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and he said "If advertisers could have hardcore penetration on billboards they would" and while I certainly would agree with that by the same token I don't know that I want to explore that concept literally. I think on some level that would alienate some of my following but I feel like with the initial lookbook I've certainly made a mark… At this point I plan on expanding in both directions creating more sort of lifestyle images that are still quite racy, and exploring the limits of graphic nudity, and perhaps one day, even explicit sex as branded image.

TIFFANASTY: how do you handle the girls who don't necessarily fit into 'Shortypop' criteria but wanna be 'down'?
how many emails do you receive from hopeful's begging for a shot? 
CHANDLER: I get quite a few emails from both people that want to be featured in the artist book section lookbook, and girls that want to model. That's always difficult, cause as most people that know me personally, know I'm a nice guy and try my best not to hurt anyones feelings. For artists I generally try to get people who are serious about their craft, have established themselves in some degree, and best as I can try to explain that to those that aren't, that when they do that I'd be greatly interested in some sort feature or collaborative. As for models I don't think there's anyone that isn't beautiful to somebody, but there on some-level definitely is an image that has to be maintained. It's a delicate act of gracefully saying no thanks.
TIFFANASTY: what do you hope to accomplish with Shortypop?

CHANDLER: Explore sort of the contemporary notions of the branded image. Friends of mine laughed at me as crazy when I told them I was going to sell t-shirts to women with women wearing them with their boobs out, and I'm sure there are people who still do. I'm certainly interested in how people consume both the image and products of Shortypop and what that says about contemporary morals. And quite simply sell some product, make something that's somehow memorable.

TIFFANASTY: what can we expect to see from Shortypop in the future?

CHANDLER: Right now, we're on schedule for the Shortypop Artist/Lookbook No. 2 to be release in November. Hopefully earlier in the month rather than later, but we all know how that is… More diverse product line, more and better features. Still looking for a couple pieces to my Shortypop puzzle for No. 2, but if you liked No. 1, you'll like No. 2 even more and if for those that didn't maybe I can change their minds this time around.

TIFFANASTY: anything you'd like to say to the skeptics out there?

CHANDLER: Not in particular. I welcome honest criticism with open ears and will be the first to agree Shortypop is far from perfect. But it's an ever changing work in progress but I work too much on Shortypop and my other projects for hate.
To find anything Shortypop related you can go to, I think everything is accessible via there or soon will be. And if anyone is interested in being a part of Shortypop be features, modeling opportunities, any sort of collaborative or really whatever or has any questions etc. you can email i try to answer everyone in reasonably timely fashion.

bigups to chandler for taking the time to answer my questions in their entirety. he's definitely a chill, down to earth kinda guy. i myself am supposed to be apart of the Shortypop model lineup, & am glad to say i'm looking forward to it. support this man & buy some shit. peace.


I remember, growing up, all I wanted to do was be around the boys! Cousins, uncles, friends, you name it! I was definitely a Tomboy, and growing up in the 90s, games like Street Fighter, Streets of Rage, Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct, Marvel vs CAPCOM, Final Fantasy etc ( I could go on for days ) were a staple in my daily activities! I wish I owned as many gaming systems as I did back then. My Dad always had me up on the latest shit, but of course as I grew older, I traded my controller for a flat iron, my Jordans for Heels ( though I still throw on a pair of Js from time to time. Niggas DO have to do laundry, go to the grocery store, Gym etc., ) I plan to actually try to learn how to play Call of Duty. Yes I'm afraid I'll become an angry girl gamer, but fuck that. I wanna shoot 'em up, shoot-shoot 'em up what! 'Cause currently, if I even tried to play, my gamertag may as well be SNIPEME. Anyway, here's a few of my favorite characters from my favorite video games!



[ LMFAO, Yes, I just quoted Wayne. Actin' like you don't fucks wit PMW! ]

That's all i'm gonna post, because I'm tired, and lazy.
Maybe I'll add more, tomorrow, or something.


This is THE stupidest shit I have ever seen. I love tattoos ( if you don't know I have one across my collarbone ), but this shit is above and beyond ridiculous. Prison Inmates have started a new trend; Tattooing the whites of your eyes, to the color of your fuckin' choice. Innovative in all the wrong ways. But hey, if walking around looking like a demon is your thing, go for it!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Okay, I know The Bad Girls Club comes on every Tuesday, but I also know, niggas is FEENIN'
to see Natalie get stalled on. You're welcome!


All that Suwoo to the G gang shit is not a game.Think twice, cause it's really big B's!

40 Glocc On Why He Blocked Off Lil Wayne & Birdman's At The Red Light In California!


TIFFANASTY: first & foremost, gotta ask, why the name prophit?
let these niggas know what made you choose your namesake.

PROPHIT: The name Prophit actually came from my brother, he was going on a spirtual journey in his life at the time when i was first doing music, and i was young wildin out on the streets w/ my friends being reckless. I remember him being in the kitchen one day and telling me "I'm a prophet" and I just laughed at him. Time passed and I had to get away from all the dumb shit I was doing, so I went on a journey of my own and saw alot of the things he told me in that kitchen. Who he said he had become was the person I was finding in myself. So I re-invented me as Prophit honestly,

I didnt really choose the name the name kinda chose me.....

TIFFANASTY: i know artists don't really like to categorize themselves but...
if you HAD to describe your style, how would you?

PROPHIT: [laughs] yea thats always a tough one for us, ummmm If I HAD to describe my sound I would call it "Forward Thinking Hip Hop" meaning im trying to create something no one has done before in my own way. Im putting sounds in there from genres of music that I love like hardcore/soul/folk etc etc, but making it hip hop ALWAYS because I am an emcee but also an artist you know, I wear my influences on my sleeve and that can be heard anytime you listen to music of mine.

TIFFANASTY: classic... classic classic classic; let me just say that, that's one of my fav'
songs. .. what inspired you to write that?

PROPHIT: yes, thank you that is a favorite amongst a lot of folks...the inspiration behind "Classic" was, I was going on a trip to Texas for like 2 weeks and my love at the time decided with me that we would trade gifts with one another. We decided on gifts we could give to one another that would make up for the distance of us being apart. She got me something really really dope, so I was stuck like damn what can I give this girl that would bomb her gift [laughs]; so i was like fuck it im gonna give her something that not only she has for this trip, but something she can have forever. So i wrote "Classic" and recorded it the day before I left on my trip and debuted it on "Its Lloyal" that night. I almost didnt get the chance to, but the universe gave that to me. She heard it, cried, we made sweet love [laughs]; it was beautiful. It was one of the most honest, vivid and beautiful pieces i've ever wrote.

I still feel in love every time I hear and perform that song.

TIFFANASTY: how do you feel about the response you've been gettin from the masses?
it's mad niggas out there that can spit a prophit verse witout stutterin, lol. [ie: it's like that

PROPHIT: The response is very overwhelming, I literally have not heard one person give me any negative feedback on "Cause When You Stop Dreaming". Its a blessing 100% the fact that I am touching peoples lives the way I am and doing it through music, is a feeling that is very hard to describe. Its just a blessing,

I am literally living the dream

and the support from the people is the only reason why. I owe them a lot, so I make sure I give back, always putting on a show that they never forget, making records they love and cherish forever; whatever I can do to show my endless appreciation. I love the fact that you know "Its like that" [laughs] that's some vintage Proph.

TIFFANASTY: what goes thru your mind when people recognize you on the street? is it surreal at all?

PROPHIT: To be honest, its one of the greatest feelings in the world; for a person to recognize you by face means they really looked into the music you create, not just heard an MP3. They wanted to know: who is that? what does he look like? And to see me and be brave and stop me to compliment me or just converse is amazing. Its such a warm and wonderful feeling, it makes me feel really appreciated.

TIFFANASTY: back when you were "lil prophit" who inspired you to really pick up a pen & a mic?

PROPHIT: When I was baby Prophit, dudes like Nas, Outkast, Pun, Wu Tang, Goodie Mob those dudes really made me want to rhyme and write rhymes. the things they were doing and saying, I was like damn I want to be 15 and blow niggas minds and say some wild shit too [laughs] So those dudes def made me want to be an MC and also be different from the rest.

TIFFANASTY: what else can we expect from prophit in the future?
not that were not satisfied wit' the mixtape, 'cause that shit is certified earsex [haha]

PROPHIT: haha thank you for the compliment..I have alot of things going on, I have a few videos in the works for a couple of joints off "Cause When You Stop Dreaming" more shows, some collabos and a new mixtape for 2010 dedicated to one of the greatest if not the greatest female vocalist of our time who's name starts with an S.....thats all im gonna say.

TIFFANASTY: what's a quote you live by? it could be from anyone..


"Demons in, Demons out" - Daryl Palumbo

TIFFANASTY: if you could say anything to the underestimaters/haters/frienemies, what would it be?

PROPHIT: keep up the good work ;)

TIFFANASTY: what's your advice to mc's like yourself tryna get their voices heard?

PROPHIT: my advice to MC's trying to get their voices heard is simple: be original and bust your ass. grind harder than the nigga next to you, be true and be humble be human but be hungry.

the world is yours

TIFFANASTY: any last words? [shameless plugs & shoutouts are allowed lol]

PROPHIT: thank you to yourself for taking the time to ask me these dope questions, and thank you to everyone who took the time out to read my long ass answers haha I love you all.

my first interview with an emcee. he's an underground king in his own right, heartfelt lyrics & passion can be found in this man's music. i'm happy that he responded & contributed to this interview. proph, thanks for being such a humble dude & taking some time to answer all my questions.

// This is an interview I did back in October; it was & still is a pleasure to read over this & smile 
at the way he answered everything in such detail! He's a truly humble dude! Thanks P!


RUMPUS, Children of the Night from Jon Wasserman on Vimeo.
RUMPUS off The II mixtape, 'Where the Wild Things Are'

Shouts to Prophit for puttin' me onto some live shit. Open your ears and close your eyes.
Take a break from the typical & indulge in the Real.
Vibe to it. Children of the Night. A trio of artists honing serious skills via Killa Queens.

COTN is back at it again with 'Where the Wild Things Are' a second installment to their
mixtape saga! ( '1OO%' was their freshman debut ) COTN doesn't show any sign of slowing down,
but I still have my fingers crossed, just in case!

What's good wit' an interview fellas? Haha!

Be sure to visit to stay connected to the Children! Peace.


Brittany Murphy, the actress who broke out with the teen comedy "Clueless" and gained critical acclaim for her role as rapper Eminem's love interest in the hip-hop drama "8 Mile," died Sunday morning of sudden cardiac arrest, police said. She was 32.

Los Angeles city firefighters responded to a medical call about 8 a.m. at the 8,000-square-foot home Murphy shared with her husband, British screenwriter Simon Monjack, in the hills above the Sunset Strip. There were conflicting reports as to whether Murphy was discovered by Monjack or her mother. Firefighters tried unsuccessfully to revive Murphy on the way to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where she was pronounced dead about two hours later.

Los Angeles police are investigating the cause of Murphy's death, said Officer Norma Eisenman. Investigators and coroner's officials were at her home Sunday as paparazzi camped outside. Authorities said Murphy was taking prescription drugs for a variety of medical ailments and said preliminary indications do not point to foul play. An autopsy is planned for Tuesday, a coroner's official said.

Reached at his home in northern Florida, Murphy's father, Angelo Bertolotti, said he learned of his daughter's passing Sunday morning from his son (Murphy's half brother), who read it on the Internet.

"It's too shocking and too fast," Bertolotti said in a phone interview. "It just doesn't make sense to me. As we speak I am staring at a picture of her. I just can't believe it. Can't convince myself she's gone."

Bertolotti said he and Murphy's mother divorced when his daughter was 4. He last saw his daughter about three years ago. Bertolotti described himself as a "retired mobster" who now works in the movie business writing "scripts."
Bertolotti said his daughter was very close to her mother, Sharon Murphy.

"They were inseparable," he said.

"She was a wonderful girl," he said. "She worked hard to get where she was. I am absolutely broken up. I can't get heads or tails of anything at this point. I am just trying to put the pieces together myself."

Born Nov. 10, 1977, in Atlanta, Murphy moved to Burbank with her mother when she was 13. After rising to prominence in the 1995 film "Clueless," Murphy appeared in the Michael Douglas thriller "Don't Say a Word," and the Winona Ryder- Angelina Jolie drama "Girl, Interrupted," among others. A series of lighter roles followed the 2002 drama "8 Mile," including a lead role opposite Ashton Kutcher in the 2003 romantic comedy "Just Married."

Murphy also lent her voice to many animated characters, including Luanne Platter on the Fox TV show "King of the Hill" and Gloria the penguin in the 2006 feature "Happy Feet." Director Curtis Hanson, who worked with Murphy on "8 Mile," said the actress' personal attributes combined easily with her on-screen work.

"She was a very special and vulnerable person," Hanson said. "The honesty of her emotions made it so that [her lines] didn't feel like scripted dialogue."
Murphy's Hollywood life sometimes crossed paths with her personal life. In 2004 she broke off an engagement with Jeff Kwatinetz, a principal at the company that managed her career.

Murphy also briefly dated Kutcher. On Sunday, he sent a Twitter message saying, "2day the world lost a little piece of sunshine. My deepest condolences go out 2 Brittany's family, her husband & her amazing mother Sharon."

Murphy, who most recently starred in "Across the Hall," an indie feature in limited release, is expected to be seen in the upcoming Sylvester Stallone action movie "The Expendables."

There have been reports that she left production before work was complete on her current project "The Caller." That account was parodied on a recent "Saturday Night Live" episode.

I really can't believe she's gone. She was one of my favorite actresses, for the simple fact that she actually had a fuckin' personality! This year has definitely been a crazy one, way too many deaths that none of us have seen coming!

11/10/77 - 12/20/09

Thursday, December 17, 2009


some tough choreography to some of my favorite songs! (:


I grew up listening to freestyle, my daddy used to swear he was Stevie B! So I love
all this shit, naturally. Pretty much any freestyle song, I know all the words to. Don't Judge ME! Lmao.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



Since Fight Club, I've been infatuated with this weird, yet amazing actress!
Helena Bonham Carter never fails to mesmorize me.
Helena as Mrs Lovettz . Sweeney Todd

Helena in Terminator Salvation

Helena as Bellatrix . Harry Potter
Photographed with husband Tim Burton . The King & Queen of weird.


Well, fuck you, too. Fuck me, fuck you, fuck this whole city and everyone in it. Fuck the panhandlers, grubbing for money, and smiling at me behind my back. Fuck the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car. Get a fucking job! Fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs, curry steaming out their pores, stinking up my day. Terrorists in fucking training. SLOW THE FUCK DOWN! Fuck the Chelsea boys with their waxed chests and pumped up biceps. Going down on each other in my parks and on my piers, jingling their dicks on my Channel 35. Fuck the Korean grocers with their pyramids of overpriced fruit and their tulips and roses wrapped in plastic. Ten years in the country, still no speaky English? Fuck the Russians in Brighton Beach. Mobster thugs sitting in cafés, sipping tea in little glasses, sugar cubes between their teeth. Wheelin’ and dealin’ and schemin’. Go back where you fucking came from! Fuck the black-hatted Chassidim, strolling up and down 47th street in their dirty gabardine with their dandruff. Selling South African apartheid diamonds! Fuck the Wall Street brokers. Self-styled masters of the universe. Michael Douglas, Gordon Gekko wannabe mother fuckers, figuring out new ways to rob hard working people blind. Send those Enron assholes to jail for FUCKING LIFE! You think Bush and Cheney didn’t know about that shit? Give me a fucking break! Tyco! Worldcom! Fuck the Puerto Ricans. 20 to a car, swelling up the welfare rolls, worst fuckin’ parade in the city. And don’t even get me started on the Dom-in-i-cans, ‘cause they make the Puerto Ricans look good. Fuck the Bensonhurst Italians with their pomaded hair, their nylon warm-up suits, their St. Anthony medallions, swinging their, Jason Giambi, Louisville slugger, baseball bats, trying to audition for the Sopranos. Fuck the Upper East Side wives with their Hermes scarves and their fifty-dollar Balducci artichokes. Overfed faces getting pulled and lifted and stretched, all taut and shiny. You’re not fooling anybody, sweetheart! Fuck the uptown brothers. They never pass the ball, they don’t want to play defense, they take five steps on every lay-up to the hoop. And then they want to turn around and blame everything on the white man. Slavery ended one hundred and thirty seven years ago. Move the fuck on! Fuck the corrupt cops with their anus violating plungers and their 41 shots, standing behind a blue wall of silence. You betray our trust! Fuck the priests who put their hands down some innocent child’s pants. Fuck the church that protects them, delivering us into evil. And while you’re at it, fuck JC! He got off easy! A day on the cross, a weekend in hell, and all the hallelujahs of the legioned angels for eternity! Try seven years in fuckin’ Otisville, J! Fuck Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, and backward-ass, cave-dwelling, fundamentalist assholes everywhere. On the names of innocent thousands murdered, I pray you spend the rest of eternity with your seventy-two whores roasting in a jet-fuel fire in hell. You towel headed camel jockeys can kiss my royal Irish ass! Fuck Jacob Elinsky, whining malcontent. Fuck Francis Xavier Slaughtery my best friend, judging me while he stares at my girlfriend’s ass. Fuck Naturelle Riviera, I gave her my trust and she stabbed me in the back, sold me up the river, fucking bitch. Fuck my father with his endless grief, standing behind that bar sipping on club sodas, selling whisky to firemen, cheering the Bronx bombers. Fuck this whole city and everyone in it. From the row-houses of Astoria to the penthouses on Park Avenue, from the projects in the Bronx to the lofts in Soho. From the tenements in Alphabet City to the brownstones in Park slope to the split-levels in Staten Island. Let an earthquake crumble it, let the fires rage, let it burn to fucking ash and then let the waters rise and submerge this whole rat-infested place.
-Monty Brogan . 25th hour



On the last day of Chris Brown's Fan Appreciation Tour held at the Nokia Theatre on December 15,
he did an awesome tribute to Michael, performing & dancing his ass off to hits like 'Billie Jean'
and my all time favorite, 'Thriller' Chris killed it of course! Why he wasn't at the BET Awards is beyond everyone I'm sure!


Uncle JuJu teams up with Breezy again to give us another banger. I like this song, it's catchy!
Juelz Santana . Chris Brown ; Back to the Crib 
Famous faces ; DJ ENVY, Rosa Acosta, Lloyd Banks, Jim Jones


Ali Shaheed Q Tip Phife Dawg
A Tribe called Quest was born in 1985 { over 2O years ago } yet they still have it in them
to move crowds & give us that tingly feeling you get when your ears stumble upon something
epic! Tribe is definitely on any true Hip Hop listener's list of worthy groups
{ at least I should hope so } & will forever steal our hearts every time we hum along to
one of their songs. If you ain't up on Tribe, you ain't shit.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Nicki was lookin' RIGHT in that red dress! This was such a cute performance, I love
Robin so much<3 He's such a gorgeous man!

Sex Therapy ; Out today, go get it! (:


I'm a big fan of this show! I actually want to audition for a season, but I'm waiting for one
of my best friends to turn 21 so we can do it together! Anyway, on with my review!

I just have to laugh at the desperation Kendra has shown for fame! If you would honestly let someone
punching you in the face slide in exchange for popularity, you have serious issues! 

  Maybe she should ask Natalie where she can get a better fuckin' weave because hers looks like a squirrels tail!

Annie had me dying today, with her drunk ass! I think she's adorable, but she definitely
has some type of eating disorder & some form of OCD! 

  Flo is one of my favorite Bad Girls & today's scenario had her fuming! I do think she over reacted a bit,
I mean I'd have been upset too, but to wild out like that was a little bit over the top. Hey,
it made for great TV though! 

Natalie.. Natalie, Natalie, Natalie. This bitch urks the SHIT out of me, from her Jay Leno chin,
to her 'I RUN LA' line, everything about this whore rubs me the wrong way. And if you peeped
any of the scenes from next week's episode, I know you're about as happy as I am that
darling Portia spazzes the fuck out on her. This season is like the girl version of Fight Club! LOL.

Catch this show every Tuesday at 10pm on Oxygen!



Looks like it's gonna be


Rihanna graces the cover of GQ's January 2O1O issue ^_^


New album from Weezy's supergroup Young Money entitled 'We are Young Money'
set to drop December 21st. I really think they could have done a better job
on the cover art. I mean, does Wayne really have to be the backdrop?
But, let's see how this does!


Rihanna x Young Jeezy x Hard The Teaser.
I'm highly anticipating this video. And I've gotta say, it looks so good already! 
Of course, it doesn't surprise me that the few outfits they allowed us to see are phenomenal ;  
Get it Rhi.

&& some pictures from the set (: